A complete version in pdf can be found here.


  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of California San Diego, 2024
  • M.S. in Physics, National Taiwan University, 2019
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2017

Selected Awards

  • ALMA Ambassador, North American ALMA Science Center, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 2024
  • Friends of the International Center Fellowship, Graduate Division, UC San Diego, 2023
  • Government Scholarship to Study Abroad, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2021–2023
  • Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award, 237th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), 2021
  • Chien-Shiung Wu Fellowship, The Physical Society of Taiwan, 2020
  • Dean’s Award, College of Science, National Taiwan University, 2019
  • Best Oral Presentation Award, Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Taiwan (ASROC), 2018

Research Experience

  • Jan. 2020–Present: Molecular Clouds, $α_{\text{CO}}$, and Star Formation Efficiency in Nearby Galaxies
    Advisor: Prof. Karin Sandstrom (UCSD)

  • Jun. 2020–Dec. 2020: AGN Outflows from Low-redshift Quasars
    Advisor: Prof. Alison Coil (UCSD)

  • Sep. 2016–Jul. 2019: Physical Conditions and Kinematics of the Filamentary Structure in OMC1
    Advisor: Dr. Naomi Hirano (ASIAA)

  • Oct. 2017–May 2018: Image Reconstruction in Radio Interferometry
    Advisor: Prof. Jean-Fu Kiang (NTU)

  • Jul. 2016–Aug. 2016: Reduction and Combination of Interferometric and Single-dish Data
    Advisor: Dr. Naomi Hirano (ASIAA)

  • Feb. 2016–Jun. 2017: Gravitational Wave Theories and Simulations
    Advisor: Prof. Jean-Fu Kiang (NTU)

Observational Experience

  • Telescope time awarded as PI or co-I
    • James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
    • Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
    • Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA)
    • Submillimeter Array (SMA)
    • Submillimeter Telescope (SMT)
  • SMA Operation
    • regular second-shift remote operation from Taipei, Taiwan (Jul. 2017–Jul. 2019)
    • on-site operation at the Mauna Kea summit in Hawaii (Jun. 7–11, 2018)
  • SMT Remote Observation (Nov. 2018)

  • Kenting Observatory Program (Jul. 2012 & Jan. 2014)
    • Operated 14- and 16-inch optical telescopes and conducted data reduction
    • Data analysis on observed star clusters and variable stars

Teaching Experience

    PHYS 1AL - Mechanics Lab

    Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego, 2019

    This is a lower division laboratory course. I led two weekly lab sections (~60 students) on eight different experiments in Mechanics.

    PHYS 1BL - Electricity and Magnetism Lab

    Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego, 2020

    This is a lower division laboratory course. I led three weekly lab sections (~70 students) on nine different experiments in Electromagnetism.

    PHYS 163 - Galaxies and Quasars

    Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego, 2021

    This is an upper division astrophysics course. I led weekly problem sessions and office hours for a class of ~30 (50) students in Spring 2020 (Winter 2021).

    PHYS 162 - Cosmology

    Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego, 2021

    This is an upper division astrophysics course. I led weekly discussion sessions and office hours for a class of ~50 students.

    ALMA Proposal Workshop

    Organizer & Lecturer, UC San Diego, 2024

    This is a one-day hybrid workshop which I organized as an ALMA Ambassador. I gave lectures and led discussions on ALMA overview, radio interferometry, ALMA capabilities, proposal preparation, and ALMA Observing Tool.

Skills & Interests

  • Languages
    • Mandarin (native)
    • English (TOEFL iBT – R:30, L:30, S:23, W:29, Total:112)
  • Programming and Scientific Tools
    • Proficient in Python, MATLAB, LaTex, MIRIAD, RADEX
    • Familiar with C/C++, IDL, Bash/Csh, CLASS, CASA
  • Badminton
    • Women’s Singles Player, NTU Varsity Badminton Team
    • Bronze Medalist, Women’s Singles, 2019 National Taiwan University Badminton Cup
    • Silver Medalist, Women’s Doubles, 2018 National Intercollegiate Physics Badminton Cup
    • Bronze Medalist, Women’s Team Tournament, 2017 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games
    • Champion, Badminton Team Tournament, 2014 National Intercollegiate EE Badminton Cup
  • Pop Dance and Piano
    • Choreographer and dancer, 2015 NTU Hsinchu Student Association (HSA) Night
    • Performed in NTUEE/NTUHSA activities as a dancer (more than 10 dances)
    • Performed in 2013 NTUEE concert and 2017 Winter NTUChorus Vocal Performance as a pianist